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In Nigeria, we can recognize four outstanding examination bodies as being solely responsible for the regulation and management of qualifying examinations. They include: the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), National Examination Council (NECO), West African
Examination Council (WAEC) and the National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB). To gain admission into any tertiary Institutions in Nigeria however, interested candidates must have passed examinations administered by any of the last three examination bodies at lease at credit levels sequel to that administered by JAMB as a qualifier (on attainment of a certain cut-off mark) for admission consideration. But then, passing all these is indeed not an automatic qualifier for admission into the higher institution today in Nigeria. Perhaps that was the trend before the POST UTME (popularly known as “Aptitude Test”) was introduced in the year 2005.

University admission process in the nation had reached its lowest state, there was indeed so much debacle in the system. It was no more a platform of integrity as virtually all examination bodies in the country had lost their facades to integrity. It became a huge rumpus, a cash and carry affair where the highest bidder had the day. Honesty became relegated to the background as industrious students with scores high enough to be granted admission to study their choice courses were denied same if they would not “meander” their way through. Instead crooks and charlatans who could maneuver they ways and beat the polity through got admission, making mass cheating a baloney of the entire admission system in the country. This is how things nose-dived for the worst in the Nigerian Tertiary admission process, the aftermath which of course could not be far-fetched as dullards roamed the streets and lanes of our tertiary institutions especially the universities for many years. Employ-ability of graduates hence became an issue to contend with, as most Nigerian graduates at the time could not just fit into the job market effectively, since most had virtually nothing to offer. The rot in the labour force had its root in our universities and polytechnics. Then, came the need for a fresh injection into the system once again.

So, after a lot of evaluations and considerations had been made by concerned authorities in the Nigerian University communities, a submission was made to the Nigerian Universities Commission for its express permission to introduce the Post-UTME. This was because a time came when Universities could only sanitize its products via very rigorous semester examinations administered to checkmate imbalances in the system then, since the sole entry point was JAMB, and nothing else.

The concept behind the Post-UTME was to underscore large admission frequency of meritorious candidates, exclusive of biased consequences. It soon became a stable gateway through which meritorious candidates gained admission without undue favoritism and victimization. It indeed became an intervention mechanism for dictating the appropriate method of admission without malpractice or injustice. But then, this was not without some noticeable challenges.

Although the Post-UTME has proved a formidable medium for purging the Nigerian education system of refracts, it is not an entirely perfect system completely devoid of certain anomalies. One of the odds of the Post-UTME is the high Post-UTME fees charged by concerned Universities and other tertiary institutions in the country, and this does not in any way assure a candidate of admission after the Post-UTME. But with the situation at present, this situation has today been highly ameliorated as candidates would not have to pay for Post-UTME in six institutions as was the case before this year, (2014). As at 2013, candidates would pay for Post-UTME in at least four tertiary institutions, since the colleges and polytechnics soon began conducting Post-UTME for their candidates. This year (2014) however, candidates would pay for Post-UTME in just one university and perhaps in one polytechnic, since the system has been augmented to just one tertiary institution per candidate instead of dual options. The cost of this Post-UTME fees is also not high.

But as JAMB argues, the tertiary institutions seem to be usurping its statutory functions as the body instituted by law to conduct entrance examinations into Nigerian tertiary institutions. This argument is however baseless as it is well known that the Post-UTME was introduced due to the ineptness of the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board to exercise its franchise effectively, hence the introduction of the Post-UTME. So saying that the conduct of the Post-UTME by institutions is broad day robbery may not carry any substance after all. But before conclude, let us not forget that it is still the same people in the same position performing this time, different roles. So we may be tempted to ask, “whose blood runs in their veins?”

As the tertiary institutions equally submit however, lack of enough space to settle the candidates admitted by JAMB, aside from its resolve to streamline  and  sanitize its system , informed the decision to introduce the Post-UTME in 2005,during which time it was mostly the administration of live oral interviews to all candidates, before the introduction of paper and then computer-administered Post-UTME by the tertiary institutions.    

Whatever the shortcomings of the Post-UTME however, it can be noticed that since its introduction as a rescue mechanism towards addressing the fallen standards of Nigeria education system, noticeable and encouraging results have been realized, at least if  not to the later, then to a very large extent. The situation speaks for itself, needless of mention.

It is hoped that at last, the lost glory of the Nigeria tertiary education system will be fully restored. This blog, is just another milestone development by concerned Nigerians towards the provision of useful information and materials that will help all Post-UTME candidates as well as students and other candidates prepare properly for success at their respective examinations and studies. We therefore urge you to keep an eye here periodically for latest updates.  A lot has been put together for your delight and success. Some of these include, Compiled Post-UTME Past Questions, Post-UTME Updates (on site, email and SMS), Post-UTME Tutorials etc. Welcome to The Mother Of Nigeria Education Portals –

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