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I had almost informed the world of the robustness or our glorified internet access introduced about six months ago in the three campuses of the University community. . . .but thank God I didn’t, and I’m very glad I didn’t. Now, for those of us who knew it as
it were, in terms of performance, robustness and delivery the Uniuyo internet access (aka UNIUYO HOTSPOT) was the best thing that could ever happen on campus at the time. I’m not trying to criticize anybody here neither the school, I know it’s not easy, but then when it comes to issues of public interest such as this, you won’t expect me to keep quiet, but rather voice out my opinion, calling for meaningful, positive action (and that as soon as possible). It’s indeed a very sorry state that the once magnified public internet access in the school is now perhaps an eyesore and a skeleton of its former self.

I can still remember back in the days, when the UNIUYO HOTSPOT first came to being,  that that was perhaps one of the reasons my colleagues and fellow students (especially those of us at the Use campus) would go crazy with android devices bundled with wifi internet access points. Thank goodness, TECHNO devices appeared from the corner, making it possible for those of us who couldn’t afford the dignified and over-expensive SAMSUNG gadgets also gain the opportunity to flex around with the super fast internet service provided by the UNIUYO WIFI HOTSPOT at the time. That was early 2013. The techno phones at the time were not costly. One could afford a medium-rate piece at a price as low as N9500 against the Samsung jelly-bean devices (medium rated models) which price went up to N13000 or more. So the students had a cause to smile with steady surfing, while the android (and perhaps, PC and ios) gadgets sellers equally had a cause to smile to the banks daily.

Students residing off-campus would easily vacate their homes to the school just to take advantage of the hi-speed UNIUYO HOTSPOT wifi internet access, while the “hostelites” would just cool off in their rooms and enjoy similar quality of service. One could download at speeds rating up to 1.5mb/s. . . .Can you imagine that? That shows you it was truly fast.

But all of a sudden things nosedived for the worst. The once saucy-milky-juicy internet surfing via the UNIUYO HOTSPOT became too poor and almost obsolete. Students now have to carry their laptop PCs, mobile phones, tablets etc from place to place roaming the campus like nomads in search of pasture (nay, internet access via the almighty UNIUYO HOTSPOT). Connecting to the network is even the worst experience in all today. You can’t even easily access the login page (since this feature had to be introduced by school management to help regulate usage). I can’t count the number of times I have to visit and lay incessant complaints at the regulators’ office right here in school, but all to no avail. The situation is really bad! Before we could easily stay at our hostels and browse the net from there, via the UNIUYO HOTSPOT, but today it’s not so – you must either be close to the GD  or FL classrooms, the mechanical workshop or hover around the access centre to get connected, perhaps after several unsuccessful trials. For those who are fortunate to connect to the network, well it’s a matter of luck, for aside the fact that its difficult and also a bit stressful to gain access to the network (as against what was obtained before), the network is quite good and the speed, manageable. But then you can’t tell when the network will disconnect, and once this happens, your journey to utopia has begun in the negative sense! 

I am by this note please soliciting the school to look into this plight of Nigerian students, especially for those of us who really need internet access to do our assignments, browse materials for their projects, term papers, research etc. if these issues are addressed, i.e. the internet range of access extended to a larger area (if not throughout the entire campus), make access to the service quite easy for registered students, and also improve the delivery rare, speed, uptime, duration and performance.  It’s not that we’re begging the school for the service, it’s part of our tuition fees. We’ve been charged for the service, so it’s not free. But if they would not, let them please exclude it from our fees next session, and we will still survive.

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