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GST 122 term paper Topic: ICT technological innovations and virtual office sustainability

A complete Term paper material for GST 122 for 2013/2014 session.

ICT technological innovations and virtual office sustainability

Technological innovation is the process through which new (or improved) technologies are conceived, developed and brought into widespread use. In the simplest formulation, innovation can be thought of as being composed of research, development, demonstration, and deployment, although it is
abundantly clear that innovation is not a linear process - there are various interconnections and feedback loops between these stages, and often even the stages themselves cannot be trivially disaggregated. Also, a virtual office is one that is remotely operated serving the needs of both ends rightly on time with less stress and fewer resources at better remuneration. In this regard therefore, this paper opines that as far as remotely operated businesses are concerned, technological innovations aided by information and communication technology continue to serve very trivial purposes towards virtual office sustainability.

The paper argues that indeed ICT technological innovations and virtual office sustainability play paramount role in the quest for better economic syatems. Yet, the sustainability of these virtual offices anchors on the response of ICT and technological innovations. These terminologies have not only been well detailed, but also a strong proposition towards ICT technological innovations and virtual office sustainability has been initiated and well espoused.

N/B: a complete material on this GST 122 topic:  ICT technological innovations and virtual office sustainability is now available. To own a copy, please call us on 07085763316. The complete work is from abstract to references, with clear in-text citations. 

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