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How to Apply for Change of Course in University of Uyo: Before and After Admission.

De Kemcy
A change of course in the University of Uyo may occur at three admission stages: before admission is granted, immediately after admission is granted (during Screening) and later in the admission life of a Uniuyo student. 

The first stage takes place before the Uniuyo post UTME exercise in the University, and it is effected through JAMB change of course form. JAMB does give a window period yearly after the UTME results are out, for candidates who wish to change from one course to another within same school, based on one reason or the other to do so. Some of these reasons include risk of low UTME Scores, dislike for a course earlier applied for, likelihood of insufficient resource to
pursue an earlier applied course, deficiency in O’level results, Mistake in the registration process. But these are just few, others abound. Uniuyo post UTME candidates who fall in this category may access the jamb portal at when the window period is open to effect that. See procedure below:

  1. Go to JAMB office or any JAMB sales point close to you
  2. Purchase CHANGE OF COURSE Scratch card.
  3. Access the JAMB Portal at
  4. Click on change of course/Institution
  5. You’ll be redirected to your JAMB Form.
  6. Change your course or Institution.
  7. You’re good to go. Its done.
  8. Reprint your JAMB slip.
The Second stage takes place after candidates have just been admitted into the school. It occurs during the UNIUYO Undergraduates screening exercise, organised yearly for all admitted candidates. If you missed the change of course provision by JAMB, here is another chance for you. It is here you may change from one course of faculty to another, reasons for which is best known to you, which may be required from you as occasion demands. Details on the procedure comes after the next paragraph.

The Third provision for change of course in Uniuyo comes after a student has attained full academic status already. By this, such a one has attained a desired CGPA in present course of study. A CGPA means Final Result for a programme (i.e., course) after an academic session. That is, Cumulative Grade Point Average. Detailed explanation on this is available via this link: . Every department has a required CGPA, for some it’s 3.5 CGPA up, others may take 3.0 up or 2.5 up. Inquire from the department you are going to what their requirements are first before applying. Please direct all comments below this post for follow upon info. We'll be more than glad to help.

Procedure for Change of Course During Screening

Fresh students may change form one course to another in Uniuyo. This may be automatic or procedural. In the automatic method, the change of course is effected on the spot as screening ensues with minimal protocols. However in the procedural method, a stepwise approach would be undertaken for this change to be effected. However, before any Uniuyo change of course is done, the admitted candidate would have been screened firstly and acknowledged fit for studentship in the school. Uniuyo change of course is initiated as a follower process after the screening. Below is a discussion on how to go about it, the process and the format.

First obtain and fill a Uniuyo change of course form from the Admissions Unit in the Uniuyo Town Campus, Ikpa Road. The admissions unit is situated around the VC's office (formerly), Senate chambers etc. Please ask around for guide if you're new in school, or drop a comment below.

With the Uniuyo change of course form, get to the new department where you want to belong and get it endorsed by the Head of Department. But then, its left for the department to accept you or not. So it’s not a certainty.

Write a letter addressed to the Vice Chancellor, University of Uyo, requesting for a change of course. You may include a valid reason(s) for this action. Wait for the letter to be acknowledged, endorsed and sent from the VC's office to the new department where you are requesting for. This shall be acknowledged and if accepted by your to-be H.O.D., you are good to go.

Finally, get to the Uniuyo portal Centre (located around the post office area, Town Campus) and finalize necessary database formalities there, informing them of the latest development. Your Registration number will be changed to reflect your new department's as well as other rites. You shall then reprint all documents (if you had already done that for your former department), such as Transaction ID, School Fee Receipt, Academic Profile, Bio data etc. This functionality is available on logging in to your Personal Area on the Uniuyo Online portal, All things being equal, your course shall be changed and you will automatically become a student in the requested department.

Procedure for change of course for old students.

Old Uniuyo students may also change course. But this may be a bit challenging however. This is because the Head of both departments, from where the student is from and to whom the student wants to go must agree to the transfer. If either party derails, then the process may be thwarted. Truth is, Departments won't want to give up a "good" student product of theirs, nor would they accept students with "undesirable characteristics".

However, such a student seeking for transfer of department/programme must meet the required transfer standard of the to-be department. This usually hinges on academic qualifications based on CGPA. This has already been briefed in the earlier part of this paper. For a comprehensive documentary on CGPA: meaning, principles, calculations et. al., please visit this link: .

In all, the process is same for that of the newly admitted students. It goes from Admissions Unit to HOD of both departments, to the Office of the VC and then, the portal. The only difference for these two sets of people is that the freshers do not have CGPA, neither do their HODs ascertain their academic worthy yet. So it’s easier for them. But then, nothing is impossible.


1. Trans-Faculty/Departmental transfer is only possible where there is compatibility of terms, as in JAMB, SSCE, Course description compatibility and interchangeability. You cannot for example, change a course from Engineering to the Social Sciences or Business Management etc. There is the problem of compatibility here.

2. Failure to attain a required CGPA would forfeit your chance of change of course. Its better you have above the required CGPA needed by your would-be department.

3. The early bird catches the worm, so start preparations on time, and follow-up everything. Do not wait till late time, and don't expect people to run errands for you. Do what you have to do, and don't be stingy. With this, you shall succeed. Necessary comments would be welcome for this piece, for follow up support and more guidance.

This post was Written by: De Kemcy on 29-3-2015 by 10pm. (The author is a 2013/14 Graduating student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering, University of Uyo. De Kemcy is a seasoned writer on contemporary issues, he loves originality, has a leadership position when occasion demands, loves making friends, is simple but as a Sanguine individual, takes his expressiveness on air too where he presents the programme, "Talk Back" on UNIUYO 100.7FM, Thursdays by 1pm. Follow him on twitter @dekemcy or contact him for more briefs.)

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  1. Pls how do I go about writing the change of course letter addressing it to the vice chancellor?@dnt know how to start,pls a uniuyo student an am supposed to submit the letter tmrw mrnin

  2. The V.C. . . . .. but to be on the safe side (perhaps if changes are effected by the time of this reply), get to the offices cited in this post and make necessary inquiries there on this. thanks for stopping by, hope you learnt from this.


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