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TOP SECRET behind University of Uyo Undergraduates' Admissions EXPOSED!!!

  • Written By: 
  • Ekemini Ekpo(A then 300 Level Student of University of Uyo, Uyo, 2014)
  • Updated By Same Author, Now Graduated.

This post seeks to succinctly explain the modalities heralding admissions into the University of Uyo with a clear-cut interest on how UNIUYO admissions are being processed. This focus would

however be on the Undergraduate admissions of the UTME and DE (Direct Entry) applicants. The entire body of the work on "how to get admission at any time into any Nigerian University to study any Course" broadly anchors the rejoinder to this one. . . . .which the author posits to be a "reinvigorated, well nourished distinctive excerpt” from the earlier work still under production. How then does (or will) the University process its (2016) admissions in this regard?

You must have been told that getting admission into the University of Uyo simply depends on your JAMB UTME SCORE. Well, there is an element of truth in this. Also, you might have learnt that the greater your marks at the UNIUYO POST UTME, the HIGHER your chances of getting admission into the school. 

This is indeed a fact, a very big truth indeed. But then, there is more to it than just this. Perhaps your assertion would have been that if you have a very high cut-off point at the exams (which we have already shown you how to calculate here), your name would top the UNIUYO admissions list, whether that of 2016 or later years. This is good enough. . . .but then, is it exhaustive and all-compassing? So, what then is that single criteria for being enlisted on the Uniuyo admissions Merit List? Perhaps ask it the other way round, “what strategy, technique, modality or protocol is being adopted by the university administration for consideration of candidates admission into the school?” The answer is simple. it just needs one to be logical in thought, and do this, OUT OF THE BOX. Just three things I want to point out, the last I’ll add towards the end of this post: Your Part, Gods Part and The School's Part. Lets discuss below.

Please permit me to overhaul the sequence above. So I’ll start from the last, that is, School's Part.

How School determines your Admission.

Records show that every year, not less than thirty thousand, 30, 000 candidates enroll for the Uniuyo Post UTME Screening exercise. Yet, of this large volume of applicants, less than 4 000 of this would be considered for admission to study choice course of their own. Can you spot the difference margin here? The question then would be, “why such a disparity”?.. .and the answer is not far-fetched either.
For once, the amenities are not just enough to cater for the teaming influx of students. The limited ones available must be properly utilized with all amount of proficiency. Of course, you won’t want to gain admission into the school and be standing for hours to attend lectures, or perhaps squat or sit on the floor if situation demands. 

I have been a victim of such several times during my early years, and the experience I tell you, is better imagined than felt. Of course you won’t welcome a situation where you receive quality-diluted education since the real essence of coming to school had been sacrificed on the altar for quantity. Also, I hope you won’t want a situation by which you will have to queue up all the time before entering your lecture halls, accessing other social amenities in the school like toiletries, internet wifi facility, transport, electricity etc. I hope you won’t want to be the VICTIM of CIRCUMSTANCE, "a kind of one-eyes Sunday" by the time you finally struggle to bow out. . . . .courtesy of a fight that ensued during an unnecessary and avoidable scuffle for survival on one of those mafia days. No, not even the school wants this either . . . . .so the standard had to be raised! So for the sake of few, many had to go. . “FEW” here should be used as a relative term please.

Your Part in School admissions determination

When it comes to this, the ball is totally in the candidate's court. Here, it is the candidates responsibility to work extra hard and be determined to make it against all odds. This part is a post for another day anyway, meanwhile you may please consult other similar posts that address this issue on this blog for more info. The bottom line here is that a UNIUYO candidate, and indeed any other candidate must not just be diligent and work hard, he must also work SMART!
At least the examination/study materials have been provided for you here. We also made this a blog where you can interact and share ideas, anything you wish to know about UNIUYO and UNIUYO admissions is here. Its left for you to utilize this opportunity while you can.

GOD's Part towards your Admissions

The equation of success would be incomplete if God is not a core component, i.e., an independent variable or better put, a constant spearheading figure. When you feel you know too much and as such want to relegate God to the background, there does your tales of woes begin. If you want to succeed as a Uniuyo Post UTME candidate, or any aspirant at all, never make the mistake of using God as your outer Jacket/coat or handkerchief. Give Him the utmost priority right from the start, and He will see you through. Don’t tell me you're an atheist. . . . .for even the devil references God, it’s only that he is arrogant, that's all. And if you exhibit his nature, then  you should know what the repercussion is already. I know most people would not want to hear this, but sorry, it’s the truth sha.

Now, having said all these, there is still a fourth part left. That is a concise understanding of the modalities for being considered admission into the University of Uyo. Let’s look at it using the following points;

1.   Your JAMB UTME as well as UNIUYO POST UTME score is very important, the greater your marks, the closer your chances at the top.

2.     To determine whose name(s) appear on the final merit admission list,  the cut-off points of all the candidates are being calculated and ranked (using an electronic algorithm) and then the highest scores are determined and their scores, first placed. Hence, candidates who have lesser points may not be considered for admission, but those with at least 180 UNIUYO post UTME points would be considered for the Supplementary admission.

I believe I have through this post been able to communicate a word or two to someone out there. This is taken from experience, not just head-knowledge. But before I take my leave, get this food for thought: "the person sitting next to you at a competitive exam is always ready to displace you in whatever way possible. It is left for you to maintain your status quo as much as you can and forge ahead to the top." I hope to see you at that top. For now, bye.
Ekemini Ekpo (a.k.a., De Kemcy) is the Founder of this blog.

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