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Just baring my mind on “Night Class” Syndrome in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions

Personally I see nothing wrong in a student taking some of his time out in the wee hours of the day to go through the day’s work, preparing a good future for him/herself
and/or as the test or examination approaches. By this I’m not simply saying Night class should be done ONLY during examination periods, it’s just that most often than not, that is when it usually becomes more pronounced. It’s that period of the time when people remember they were really students and not workers or hawkers, that they have to pass a course and improve their CGPA, that they mustn’t have a carry-over no matter whatever. . . .so, at that time, getting close to their colleagues becomes quite imperative, at least so as to “tap” from their colleagues or friends’ resources (i.e., materials). These are some of the reasons why students, Nigerian students attend night class. But there is more to it than just this. Let’s find out.

Why do students, Nigerian Students attend Night class?
Before I answer this question, I would like to first of all throw some light on what Night class really is. I wouldn’t attempt a definition here. I don’t even think there is any standard definition for the term, “Night class”. Well I might be mistaken anyway, but then that is the limitation of my research work on this topic. So what then is Night class, especially with respect to the situation in Nigerian schools?

Simply put, Night class refers to that arrangement by which a student utilizes a portion of the night for academic exercises. Some of these exercises could include, surfing the internet to get materials for his academic works (assignments, term papers, reviews, projects, seminars etc). other academic exercises includes studying (not just reading) his materials and lecture notes, holding of brainstorming sessions with his/her colleagues, doing his assignments, attending evening or down-till-dawn tutorials etc, etc. so you see, Night class doesn’t necessarily mean reading as most students take it to be, it cuts across so may and every meaningful academic pursuit, done purely in the night. In fact, it’s just the complementing part of the day class, only that (as is obtained in most schools in Nigeria), you won’t have a lecturer addressing you officially. But if you do in your school or campus, well that’s good. . . .it’s still part of the Night class. By this definition, I have perhaps been able to ass two or three reasons why students patronize night classes. I’ll still throw more light on this as we proceed.

What time should students go for Night class?
Putting the question around, it could b asked this way, “when is it appropriate to attend?” or better still, “is there any standard stipulated time for scheduling Night class?” well, attendance at Night classes is never mandatory. Is just an experience peculiar to individual students. But there is this notion of attending”night” (for so it’s called for short) that has fast become a kind of rule in most schools. I don’t know for yours but over here, it seems to be a standard, that, that, “night” should always be done in the “class”! is it because they call it “Night class” so it must always be done in the classroom or lecture hall? Well as touching this particular point, I defer to comment. But to be frank, Night class MUST not always be done in the class. What harm is done if it’s done in the hostel? Is there any problem doing “Night class” in my home? Well if the venue for Night classes must always be in the class, I think its left for the student to decide.

Now as concerning the actual time for attending Night classes, my dear its not fixed! A student may decide to begin his Night class by 6pm, another may choose 10pm, and yet another, 12pm. . . .at least it must be in the evening. Most times the Night class extends till dawn. Some students decide to end theirs before that time and retire. But whatever the case, night class starts from 60m till 5am or 6am the following morning. Nobody dictates the time, it’s up to the student to decide when and where.

Night class or Night clash?
Funny right? But that’s just the truth of the matter. Most timeouts in the night primarily meant for serious academic exercises don’t always turn out to be what they were designed for. Instead they become avenues where nefarious activities are breed by supposedly night classers (self-invented grammar!).

It’s not uncommon to find students utilizing their nights primarily meant for study and thorough research, for uncouth events that tend to betray the original intention of the glorified Night class. I’ve notices that most often than not, the Night class is best time for some students to go on partying escapades with friends and colleagues, down to the wee hours of the day. . . .in and mostly, out of campus. Of course as you may already have known, anything can happen during the partying. When the jamboree is at its apex, when everyone is in high spirits, when the tempo is raised to the high heavens, when it becomes quite uncontrollable, and the body is calling, and its hard to resist, and you won’t have any good reason for not being on your books at that particular time. . . .and you won’t want to be treated as an “ajea-butter”! then, it turns out to become not just a class, but a practical clash. . . . and the unthinkable happens, and the milk is spilled! 

For those inside the class, sometimes the clash also happens there too. Instead of focusing on their books, you find students engaging in useless gossips; about their lecturers, about fellow colleagues, about school management, about virtually everything thoughtful and thoughtless. This seems to while away their time, o yes it does! Then it becomes not just a class, but a clash in the night. For some others, it’s a time for real time gaming. Thank God for PSP. PS2, PS3 consoles etc. now that more better games are now available on mobile gadgets and PC, the situation becomes even worse. 

Another instance is that of night play. I saw an cartoon advert sometime last year on campus that showed a guy and a lady eating and drinking and engaging in that thing during their magnified Night class. You see, what was portrayed there may seem funny but then it’s the true representation of things. Flexing is not particularly bad anyway, but when done inappropriately, it becomes an issue. . . .but then that’s personal anyway, it all depends on individual makeup. 

In fact, there are so many negative things that have emanated from and are imbibed by many students on and off campus as a result of the glorified Night class. I’m not in any way saying attending Night class is bad; all I’m saying is that if our Night classes must realize or achieve the real objective for which it was designed we have to approach it conscientiously and meticulously. But then I’m not saying that if you don’t do night class, you won’t pass a course or graduate, of course you will. Of course there are students who don’t attend night class, don’t read during the semester, don’t pay much attention to their books but at the end of the day, its they that park more of the A’s and B’s home. The only difference is that you would have a well ordered knowledge while theirs would just be hap-hazard or even not there! No thanks to cramming just to pass a course, and forget everything afterwards. . . 

How it all began. . . .
Now before I drop this post, can you suggest the origin of night class? Someone once said it started when students arranged a class (a kind of tutorial) for themselves every evening in a particular school many years ago. The objective was to brainstorm for the semester. It was actually meant to last a few days, but with the passage of time, it had to be extended to cover many weeks. The students wouldn’t be able to go home after the classes as it ended late in the night most times, so they had to sleep over till the next morning. The situation continued for a long time, and the students came to fall in love with it. They could meet with and interact with their colleagues more and more. They had to give away most of the cold, they soon became accustomed to it. It became a lifestyle . . . it didn’t become long before newer colleagues cane to imbibe the system. . . and the chain continued unbroken for many years, and the trend lives on!

Basic recommended prerequisites for a successful Night class
before you embark on any Night class, there are certain principles you must put in place, certain do’s and avoidable don’ts, so that you won’t just go there and come back empty-headed, wherever you choose to do it. Let me enumerate some below:
1.     Sleep well before going for Night class. It is advisable you have a good time of sleep after your lectures at least for two hours before you embark on your Night class. Don’t just rush for Night class when there is heavy sleep in your eyes already. Take time and have your siesta very well, thereby relaxing your nerves for better coordination of body and mind. Remember, body no be firewood o o o

2.     If you don’t sleep well before the class, you’ll definitely sleep VERY WELL during the Night class. Truth is, you can’t cheat nature, no matter what. So in addition to Night clash, you’ll end up with a good Night crash. . .sure! don’t be surprised sleeping heavily like a cow and waking up by 5am or 6am. At that time bro or sis, day don break. . . but then, that’s not just one of the guard points. To have a successful Night class, feeding is also necessary. It is not advisable to attend Night classes with bare stomach, even as it is not good to go there overfed. Instead of consuming heavy carbohydrate based food that would tend to weigh you down, it’s advisable that as a student, you take something light and sustaining. It’s also good to go along with some snacks and chewable.  But then I know of some students that like going there with foodstuffs that end up distracting other Night "classers". But its not best practice anyway.

3.     Except you really need them, going for Night class with your electronic gadgets (i.e. phones, ipods, tablets, pc etc) is never best practice. This is because most often than not they tend to constitute sources of distraction to self and others. It may be that you do not intentionally need them then, but their mere presence can be distracting. You may get carried away by fantancy. A little surfing of the net, a bit of Facebooking, a little whatsapping, just trying to chat on 2go, twitter, skype etc may end up taking over your whole night initially meant for something worthwhile. That’s how it is, at least from personal experience. So the best practice is to lock them up somewhere, and zero your mind on their use for that time or period.

4.     Objectivism is very good in every endeavour. Please before you embark on your next Night class, ask yourself, “do I really want to go for this Night class?” yes! It’s very important. Why do I really want to go for this Night class? Until you have seen reason good enough to attend Night class, please do not just embark on it, you may be wasting some precious time you could have used for more beneficial deeds, like sleeping. Going for Night class just because your friends are going is sheer futility. Take your own stand and standout. You know yourself better than they know you, so don’t be cajoled into what won’t help you in the long run. Set out your objective for the night and try as much as possible to follow it to the later during the night. At least you have your personal timetable to serve as your guide and compass. Follow it, and include time for Night class in it. That way, you would have dealt with that issue there and then!

5.     How many books do you go for Night class with? Going for Night class doesn’t mean you must read all your books in one night. Just go with a material or sets of materials you really want to STUDY. When you’re studying you spend more time on the material than just mere reading. So the night class should be a time to study and not just to read.

6.     Going for night class without your reading lamp is like attending lecture without your jotter or lecture notes. Reading lamp is not too costly; at least you mustn’t go with the florescent type before it is a reading lamp. It’s even best that your reading lamp is sizable and quite portable. Very large reading lamps means carrying extra load. So, choose a handy reading lamp, well charged and with good lighting output for your night classes. Going with a dull-lighted lamp is not the best, it may impair reading vision. . . and this would affect your performance, make you feel drowsy, weak and tired.

7.     Group study during Night class is quite a nice experience. But personally I think its always nice to engage in personal study first before embarking on group work. Unless you’re better coordinated, it may happen that your colleagues may influence the whole event, making you just an on-looker, benefiting less. So in as group study is good, self-study is most recommended on the start.

That has been my brief overview of Night class in schools in Nigeria, from my own experience here. Might be in your school the situation is similar or perhaps it differs. I love to hear from you, hence I implore you to comment and contribute to this observation (remember, it’s based on my personal and reported experiences, so you are very free to argue). Thanks

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