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5 Health Benefits Of Honey

Honey is a thick brownish or yellowish fluid extracted from nectars of flowers by bees and then used as food.Over 50% of Honey is made up of Sugar.

Honey contains virtually all the minerals which are most essential to human life such as Amino acid,B6,Niacin,riboflavin,Copper,Iron,Magnesium and so many more.But above all,it is highly protenious.It contains little or no cholesterol.It has a brown colour,sometimes yellow or might even be milky in colour.

Raw honey gotten directly from the Honeycomb or bee hive is said to be more nutritious and contains much more vitamins than the refined Honey.

According to Ben Greenfield Dormant
spores which turn to bacterium called Clostridium botulinum are very dangerous to infants which can lead to illness or sudden death.As such,Honey should not be fed to infants under 12 months

According to Dr. Ron Jones of Board certified,page management "The body recognizes honey just as any other sugar will will have the same effect on the glycemic index".Which simply means that excess intake of Honey can lead to diabetes.
Below are some of the essential benefits on Honey to our lives.

1.For fermentation:Honey is undergoes fermentation in other for you to get your Rhubarb and Honey soda,honey wine and for the production of most alcoholic beverages.

2.It helps to tranqulize sore throat and cough:Honey helps to soothe and suppress sore throat and cough.It is recommended that people suffering from sore throat and cough should take one full spoon of Honey.
It will also calm the nerves and give you a sound sleep.

3.It heals wounds,erases accident scars and prevents bacteria from invading the skin:According to Peter Molan, director
of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.“All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide”.This hydrogen peroxide in Honey heals is also a pain killer as its used to treat injuries and burns,it also provides a protective barrier to keep the
for wounds to keep the wound unexposed from germs.It also helps the skin to stay clear off bacteria and erases scars of previous injuries on the skin.

.4.For cooking:Most especially baking,it can be added as an ingredient for baking either cake,pie's and many more.It can also be used as a replacement for sugar in tea as well as cooking also.

5.Boosts athletic performance:The intake of honey by athletes will help to improve glycogen levels and quicken their ability to recover fast.

The essential benefits on Honey stated and explained above have been confirmed by experts all around the world.We hope this article is really of greater help to you.

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